Friday, September 4, 2009

I would like to think that a blog is somewhat of a stream of consciousness. Maybe a random thought that passes through ones head on the way to never never land(not MJ's old place). Maybe a gripe or some well deserving praise to that polite barista who made your latte this morning. Although they can be thought out I tend to feel that blogs need some spontaneity to them. Almost like a random discussion with a friend about whatever the topic may be. Columns are the place reserved for well thought out arguments and such. Blogging allows the blue collar man/woman the freedom to bask in the world of journalism without the degree or the editor that will just trash and rewrite your work anyway. It's freedom of thought taken one step further allowing your thoughts and words to reach an audience that a few years prior you would have never reached without a paper or magazine sponsoring you.
The thing about blogging that is attractive to me is the anonymity that exists. You can almost become another person if you wish. Thoughts that might not suit the discussion at the Thanksgiving table are ok in the bloggisphere. Taboo subjects like politics and religion, which I rarely engage in face to face, are fair game in the bloggisphere. We live in a mostly polite, "don't rock the boat" society. Blogging allows you to, not only rock the boat, but tip the damn thing over if you want to. Now some abuse and hide in the blogging shadows. Using it as a forum to spew hate messages and such without consequence. This is unfortunate but those jesters are the minority and hopefully it'll stay that way allowing the responsible, respectful bloggers to rule the blogging kingdom. I just enjoy the fact that I can rant and rave and I don't have someone telling me I can't. Lovely.
The challenges that come with blogging is that writing is literary crack for me. I love to write and sometimes have to have that fix. Blogging should be concise and to the point but if I go on a writing binge it's hard for me to stop. My blog site is the dealer, my hands the lighter, my thoughts the crack, and it's infinite in supply. Not a good thing for a writing or blogging junkie. Things could be worse I guess.


  1. I like what you said about almost being able to become another person. I like that my new blog is a place where my family won't be likely to see what I've written. My mother is my Facebook stalker! She may eventually come across this blog, too...but it's not so likely.

  2. It's true that you can almost become another person if you choose. I agree with you completely. I also understand the difficulties that you face. At times it is agonizing to stop writing. It is empowering and, as you say, a fix.

    I like your writing style and your thoughts.

  3. I love your metaphors. The freedom to say what you want, come hell or high water, is very appealing and I look forward to seeing where your blog will go.
