Monday, October 19, 2009

Health Care is a topic that is rather near and not so dear to my heart. Seeing as I am currently unemployed I have no health insurance. I have two sons and a wife. They are covered under her insurance but seeing as her health care plan is a little sub-par the cost is hitting us directly in the pocket book.
We have looked into private insurance but that too is very expensive. My youngest son is under three months of age so there isn’t one insurance company that will cover him. I guess that is one of the reasons I support a government run health care plan. No, it doesn’t mean we are turning into a socialist country. All it means is that it will provide an affordable plan for folks in our position.
I’m tired of insurance companies telling me which doctor I can see and which ones I can’t because they “aren’t in your network”. Shouldn’t that be my choice? I’m tired of not being able to see a chiropractor because the company doesn’t cover that kind of service. All I want for and my family are affordable options that will cover us in the event of the unthinkable. Is that too much to ask for?

1 comment:

  1. This is well-grounded in personal experience, but you could have expanded some on your efforts to secure private insurance. Also, if you post late, make sure you notify me so you get graded on your work.
