Friday, November 13, 2009

The Every Morning Dilemma

Preface..This isn't "newsworthy" but it's where I was at when I wrote the assignment. "Sorry" or "your welcome" depending on your reaction.

It never fails. Every time I finish working out I tell myself, "Ya know, I'd be even more better off(more better?!?!?) if I changed my diet a little. Cut out the one can of soda I drink everyday or eat more veggies. Maybe don't have a bowl of "Double Hot Fudge Triple Caramel Delight" ice cream before bedtime. The list goes on but you get the idea.
The same thing goes for this morning. I get up, go get my son, place him in his high chair for breakfast, and give him his oatmeal to eat. I then continue on...go get my paper and start my morning coffee. This is where I go left instead of right every morning. Instead of having a banana and granola or even the same oatmeal my son eats everyday I go to the cereal pantry. We currently have three kinds of cereal in my houshold. Lucky Charms, Frosted Mini Wheats(the real ones), and the new Blueberry Special K. You'd think that Special K would be a healthy choice and still allow me to have what I truely want anyway...cereal. That makes sense right? Instead I reach for the Frosted Mini-Wheats. Now before I go on I should explain just how I like my cereal or more specifically HOW MUCH cereal I like to eat in one sitting.
I like my cereal in a big bowl. I like to fill said bowl to the top. Filling to the point where cereal sometimes spills out onto the floor after the addition of milk. My guess is it works out to about 3 1/2 to 4 servings when all is said and done. Anyway, so like I said, I reach for the Mini-Wheats and realize there is not enough to satisfy my craving at that moment. I then reach for the next logical option...Lucky Charms. Unfortunately the same issues lie at the bottom of the Lucky Charms box. Not enough marshmellowy goodness to satisfy this hunger. It was at this point when the Special K option briefly crosses my mind again. I ponder it ever so quickly and dismiss the idea with slightly audible, "yeah right." and move on to the obvious conclusion. Combine the Lucky Charms and the Mini-Wheats into one mega bowl of sensual taste delights this world only dare dream of. Great, fantastic idea!!!
Now, should I opt to put the Mini-Wheats in first? Or should I put the Purple Hearts, Green Horseshoes, and Yellow Moons in first, thus putting them on the bottom? Both have their advantages obviously and should be considered with careful uhhh.....consideration. My choice? I took a box in each hand and poured simultaniously into the bowl creating a wonderful blend of lightly frosted shredded wheat and complete unadulterated sugar packed into tiny marshmellows. It was everything I thought it would be and more. My tongue felt like the circus had come to town, set up tents, and stayed for a month. I even took bites with my eyes closed just so I wouldn't know what taste i was going to get. The fiber in the Mini-Wheats successfully kept me regular today and the sugar in the Lucky Charms allowed me to persevere through a complete cleaning of the entire house. Talk about win/win.
So, in the end, not only did I ignore my advice to change my diet(again) but I once again encouraged the devil on my left shoulder and casually picked the angel off of my right, gave him the finger, spat in his face, put him in the empty Lucky Charms box, and tossed him in the trash. Breakfast Cereal - 2,568 Ryan - 0 Evil temptress that cereal.


  1. This is quite an interesting blog post. It has great insight into your own thoughts. It is remarkable that I suffer through some of these same thoughts. Not SO much about the cereal (though it is one of my loves, but the can of soda everyday. Even just the thought of changing my diet to eat better. It is a difficult struggle. Keep up the good fight against temptation!

  2. This is very engaging, very accessible, well written.

  3. Fun!!! But before you beat yourself (and the angel) up too much I gotta ask....did you read the box nutrition labels? You just MIGHT not have done too bad after all. Special K CAN have monster sugar & be not so good for ya. (Trick in the advertising...) And mini-wheats are typically a pretty good choice, according to a number of health/fitness sources. The best? nah. But not as bad as if you'd have done 100 percent Lucky Charms, that's for sure.

    Nevertheless, this is great fun to read. Been there. Done that. And probably will do it again!

  4. I enjoyed this post. It flows nicely and your thought process is clear. That is difficult to do. Well done!

  5. I never knew a post about cereal could be so interesting! Your post's structure, voice, and overall purpose is very strong which makes any reader keep on reading.
